The film revolves around four characters within a span of seven days in a hill resort surrounded by deep natural forest in North Bengal.
Anita, a widow of leftist poet Arannya with a history of left political loyalty because of her marriage and her 6 years old son Bubai. Shyamal a doctor, liberated, ambitious and advocate of globalization. Maitrayee, a radical leftwing activist represents three corners of a ‘space’ where a sense of dilemma exists in each individual. It is a confusing situation for Anita who wants to break away from a conventional left minded Bengali society to escape to a contemporary free global society that is emerging in West Bengal, India. Nobody knows whether the drive will be prosperous or catastrophic for Anita and her son.
The characters meet one another head-on within a cloistered atmosphere of the hill resort on a weekend trip to sort out their point of views and in the web of confusions Anita falters on her responsibility of a mother, a tragedy strike, she loses her child.
Now, should Anita continue to explore the global route or get back to where she belongs and try something indigenous as some are doing?
This movie has been acquired by a large production house